Dear School Community,
The German Heritage Language School (GHLS) is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who would be interested in joining the Board of Directors or a Sub-Committee of our school.
The Board takes on leadership responsibilities for the GHLS and we are therefore looking for interested, motivated, team-oriented people with experience and / or knowledge in the following areas:
Legal compliance, Finances, Human Resources, Management;
Operational oversight and strategic planning;
Event planning and marketing / communication skills; and
Community engagement.
Roles and responsibilities of Board members include (but are not limited to the following):
Assistance with planning special events (i.e. Laternenfest etc.);
Develop and review curriculum and policies for the school;
Provide guidance and oversight to school programs and operations;
Oversee effective financial management, assist with IT and marketing needs; and
Attend Board meetings, chair and attend select sub-committee meetings.
In addition to the Board of Directors, there are sub-committees that also require volunteers with expertise in the areas of event planning, financial management, governance, human resources, and curriculum development. Our sub-committees are: Engagement Committee, Governance & HR Committee, Curriculum Committee and Finance Committee.
If you are interested in being considered for a position on the GHLS Board of Directors or a sub-committee, please let Arne ( or Corinna ( know by April 15, 2025, and a member of the Board will be in touch with you to discuss.
Also, we will be holding an information session on Thursday, March 6, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the kitchen of the Shambhala School. This will be a short and informal information session during which we will share some additional information about our board and the sub-committees. We would be delighted to use this opportunity to get to know you and other members from our school community better and to answer any questions you may have about the Board of Directors or our sub-committees. If you are interested in joining us for this event, please RSVP to Arne ( by Monday, March 3, 2025. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us either.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Arne & Corinna
Learn German
Welcome to German Heritage Language School! New classes are starting in September and are held on Thursdays at Shambhala School, 5450 Russell Street, Halifax for School year 2024/2025. Please visit our program page for more information about classes and fees. Registration is open in July!
February, 27, 2025 Fasching @Shambhala School, 5450 Russel St., Halifax (everyone is invited)
March 13, 2025: March break. No in-person classes.